Getting a great deal on any acquisition always feels good. With self storage, getting the right size at the right location and right price are signs of having obtained a great deal. The question is: how does one actually get a great deal? Are there procedures that should be done to ensure great deals on self storage? The first thing to look for when choosing a self storage is always the location. Thus, getting a great deal means that you should have knowledge of all your possible self storage options in your area of preference, and you just select the best among them depending on the other variables for your choice, such as the price and the facility itself. There are many different ways by which you can find out about all the self storage facilities around the area. You can search for a self storage directory for your particular zip code over the internet or you can also try the yellow pages. Because self storage is one competitive business, there are, for certain, great deals that can work to your advantage. Great deals include bargains and sales on the self storage fees, which definitely help save money for other important needs. It would also be particularly helpful if you specify your preferred size and features of a self storage unit when inquiring, so you immediately learn from the self storage companies if they have those specifications available for you. Be very clear as to whether you want a small or a large, indoor or outdoor unit, and if there are any special amenities you want, such as climate control. The web is still the better option to learn about these things because of the details included in the websites, as opposed to paid advertisements in the yellow pages, flyers, newspapers and magazines. You do not have to call each of the self storage companies anymore after you have picked them out of the phonebook because all you need to know is stated already in their respective web pages. In some cases, they may even provide special discounts online, like a minimal or free of charge first month. Remember as well that there actually might be some self storage companies who pay you for each referral that you successfully make for the storage facility. This payment may be in the form of a big chunk cut out of your monthly rate in storage, or even some free months for storage. After selecting one self storage facility, it would be wise to ask if you can get any more discounts if you pay right then and there, or if you sign up with a long term lease. Many companies can actually reduce their monthly rates still, if you try to ask for one. In these companies, terms are often negotiable, so take advantage of it.
About the Author
Drew Mers is an advertising consultant to City Closet Self Storage, which rents inexpensive self storage throughout New York and New Jersey.